Factory Foreman

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The Factory foreman is the head of the Sellbot Factory in Sellbot Headquarters. It is a level 9 Skelecog. Toons battle against it and three other Level 6 Cogs in the Center Silo Control Room. After it is defeated, Toons get a Sellbot Cog suit piece or merits if they have already completed the suit.

Starting phrases

  • "I'm the Foreman."
  • "Let me introduce you to the Foreman." (said by one of the level 6 Cogs)


Name of origin

A foreman is a person that watches over people in a factory.

In other languages

Language Name English Translation
FR.png French Contremaître ???
ES.png Spanish ??? ???
D.png German Vorarbeiter ???
BRZ.png Brazilian Portuguese Supervisor da fábrica ???
Japan.png Japanese 工場長 ???

See Also