Rental Cog Suit

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Rental Cog suit

The Rental Cog Suit was a Sellbot Cog suit that could be used by Toons during "Operation: Storm Sellbot". Non-member Toons who did not have a Sellbot suit could enter the elevator in Sellbot Towers and battle the Vice President while being disguised as a Cold Caller.[1]

Unlike a normal Cog suit, Toons with rental suits do not receive promotions and do not need to acquire merits to fight the Vice President again.

After the events of "Operation: Storm Sellbot", the rental Cog suits were stuffed into storage.[2]


  • The look of the rental Cog suit is stitched up with some cloth patches and has three safety pins on the back.
  • Toons who have an expired membership and still have their normal Cog disguises will receive a rental suit.
