Baritone Boulevard

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Baritone Boulevard
Baritone Boulevard Tunnel.jpg
Business on this street is booming and deep!
Minnie's Melodyland
Goes to:
Sleet Street
General information
Minimum cog level: 3
Maximum cog level: 6
Max building floors: 4 floors
Building cog level: 9
Cog type rarity
0% 0% 90% 10%
Baritone Boulevard.png
v • d • e

Baritone Boulevard is a street in Minnie's Melodyland that leads to Sleet Street, The Brrrgh. This is a great place to find Cashbots.

The fisherman at this street's fishing hole is Fisherman Larry.


  1. Toon Tunes (June Loon)
  2. Lousy Lyrics Discount Sheet Music (Hedy)
  3. Double Reed Bookstore (August Winds)
  4. Sing Solo We Can't Hear You! (Quiet Francesca)
  5. Vocal Chords Braided (Thelma Throatreacher)
  6. Accordions If You Want In, Just Bellow! (Steffi Squeezebox)
  7. The Baritone Barber (Barry)
  8. White Noise for Girls and Boys Socks & Underwear (Holly Hiss)
  9. Haydn Go Seek Playground Supplies (Jungle Jim)
  10. Name That Toon (John Doe)
  11. Overture Understudies (Penny Prompter)
  12. Harp Tarps Sharp! (Charlie Carp)
  13. Madrigal Motor Homes (Moe Madrigal)
  14. Chopin Blocks (And Other Kitchen Supplies) (Curtis Finger)
  15. Sonata Your Fault! Discount Auto Insurance (Sid Sonata)
  16. Four Part Harmonicas (Wilma Wind)
  17. Canticle Your Fancy Gift Shop (Leed Guitar)
  18. B-Sharp Fine Menswear (Handsome Anton)
  19. C-Flat Tire Repair (Gummy Whistle)
  20. Her and Hymn Wedding Planners (Hedly Hymn)
  21. Hurry Up, Slow Polka! School of Driving (Tim Tailgater)
  22. On Ballet! Quality Climbing Equipment (Tina Toehooks)
  23. Doppler's Sound Effects Studio (Fran Foley)
  24. Etude, Brute? Shakespearian Theatre Company (Julius Wheezer)
  25. Zither Here Nor There (Detective Dirge)
  26. Tina's Concertina Concerts (Tina)
  27. I Can Handel It! Luggage and Travel Accessories (Carl Concerto)
  28. Timbre! Equipment for the Singing Lumberjack (Lumber Jack)
  29. The Schmaltzy Waltz School of Dance (Corny Canter)


  • Baritone is a type of voice a male sings. In this case, it means deep or heavy soundings. It is also a very deep instrument part of the brass winds family.
  • The street's motto, "Business on this street is booming and deep," is a reference to baritone voices being deep and booming.
  • In the fishing pond on this street, there is a slanted street light.