Barrel Room

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The Barrel Room is an unused Cog building floor intended to be part of a Field Office level. After any Field Office minigame had been completed successfully, the Toons would then be escorted to the barrel room.


The barrel room was intended to be featured in the different Field Office variants. Originally, the Cog memos acquired from such minigames would be known as “Barrel Destruction Memos”. The amount of collected memos along with the amount of Laff points acquired while playing the minigame would dictate the number of accessible Laff barrels.

Once in the barrel room, the Toons will have free movement, and can walk around and collect their Laff bonuses from the remaining barrels (if there are any). Set in the back wall will be elevator doors with an indicator above. Toons will have around 30 seconds to collect their Laff bonuses, before the elevator indicator starts to flash, warning the Toons that the doors are about to open. If the Toons collect all the Laffs before the 30 seconds is up, the indicator will start flashing immediately.

A few moments later, the doors will slide open and the Cogs will rush out and the Cog fight will begin. The Toons must fight and defeat all the Cogs in order to advance to the next floor. When all the Cogs are beaten, a movie will show the Toons entering the elevator, and then exiting again ready for the next floor.


Laff Barrels

Happy (Full/Not Used)

Sad (Empty/Used)

Early Development

Main article: Early Development of Field Offices

Prototype Model

Laff Barrels