Bossbot Clubhouse/Round Four

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After you defeated all of the Bossbot cogs, the CEO will want to battle the toons himself. From here, you have a choice to either squirt the CEO with seltzer bottles for damage, or use the golf balls to hit his treads, eventually slowing him down.

The C.E.O. has 500 health points. Use the seltzer bottles by approaching the tables and charging the blast to increase distance and damage. A blue bar on a bottle is -2, yellow is -4, and red is -6. If you overcharge past red, you will have to start over charging the shot.

A seltzer bottle charge bar that just turned red

Avoid his Fore attack by either moving sideways a few steps or by jumping onto a seltzer table. Fore initially takes away -15 laff points if you touch the golf balls he emits. The snacks on the conveyor belts will restore laff points ranging from 1 to 4.


The C.E.O starts out with hits that take away -15 laff points. However, if the fourth round takes too long to finish, the C.E.O. will enter Overtime, where it rapidly becomes impossibly difficult to finish the boss battle.

Reorganize Phase

After 20 minutes has elapsed since the beginning of the 4th round, the C.E.O. shouts "It's time to reorganize!" and destroys one of the Toon-Up conveyor belts. His damage is multiplied by x1.25; where he can take away -20 laff points.

Downsize Phase

After 30 minutes have passed he shouts "Now let's downsize!" and his hits can now take away -40 laff points, with increasing damage as time goes on. He also destroys the second Toon-Up belt, making it impossible to gain laff without the help of unites.

C.E.O. Logic

Threat Levels

The C.E.O. will tend to target the Toon with the highest "threat" value 90% of the time. If that Toon is currently on a table, he has a 75% chance to run their table over and a 25% chance to shoot golf balls directly at them. If that Toon is currently roaming, he will likely shoot golf balls towards them.

When a Toon successfully hits the C.E.O. using the Seltzer bottle, the amount of damage that the Toon invoked is added on to their "threat level." If a Toon successfully hits the C.E.O. using the golf ball, their threat level only increases by a value of 0.10.


Throw Gears

The base damage this attack has takes -15 laff points away from a Toon. It will take the CEO 4.84 seconds to complete this attack (including animation time) before picking another one.


The C.E.O. targets a Toon and swings an array of golf balls at them. Its base damage is 15 and will take 6 seconds to complete the attack.


The C.E.O. shouts "Fore!" and spins around, sending golf balls to every Toon's current position during the call. Its base damage is 15 and will take 7 seconds to complete the attack.

You will also take 20 damage if the CEO runs over the table you are stationed at, When you have been run over you will be temporarily immobilized and left open to be ran over a second time.