Category talk:Skirts

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Interesting. There's another category for Shorts and Skirts. However, IMO, it would be better if the two had separate categories, rather than cramming the two into one. It saves the trouble in the future when struggling to search for a specific type of clothing (skirts or shorts), assuming you do not know the name and must resort to clue words based on the item.

To sum it up, a large category containing two or more different items creates inconsistency. It's like having the Gags category without having a specific category for each gag track.  Bermuda • Talk • 19:48,4/22/2012

It makes sense to have to separate categories. A skirt isn't a hat, a backpack isn't a pair of sunglasses, etc.

The TechPhantom.

20:03, April 22, 2012 (UTC)