David Chiapperino

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David Chiapperino was a former technical director for Walt Disney VR studio and Disney Interactive Media Group. He lead animation tools, pipelines, and automation for projects such as Toontown Online and Pirates of the Caribbean Online.

The VR Studio team created Toontown Online, an R&D project that in-time ended up a full-fledge game, and even won MMORPG of the year.  When I joined the team was mixed with Imagineers and folks from Disney Online, but would eventually roll fully into Disney Interactive Media Group.  

For the interactive projects, animations were produced via a central animation team under animation director, Bruce Woodside. These included:  Toontown Online, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, Wo[r]ld of Cars, Tron Legacy, and more.  Primarily the team was using Maya for animation, and we wrote the scripting using Maya Embedded Language (MEL).

As Technical Animation Director, my role was to lead the creature rig development and to create the asset pipeline/solutions for numerous avatar customization systems.  


Related Links

Chiapperino's Official Website

David Chiapperino on Twitter

David Chiapperino on Linkedin