Development of Goofy Speedway

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Goofy Speedway was released on the Test Server on August 17, 2005. it went through a number of changes until it officially came out on September 15, 2005. This page follows the development and testing process Goofy Speedway went through.


The original design for Goofy Stadium, which was planned to be a normal neighborhood.

When Toontown Online first opened, they originally planned to make nine playgrounds rather than six.[1] One of the rumored playgrounds was known as Goofy's Stadium or simply Goofy Stadium.

As seen in the old map design and the preview trailer, there was stadium-like place next to Toontown Central but it resembled more of a coliseum sports arena than a racing track, based off of Goofy at the 1940 Olympics. It was also going to be an individual Playground rather than a racing arena that would be connected with Funny Farm and Daisy Gardens.

On June 5, 2005, Goofy Speedway was teased with a Newsletter and a poll relating to "transportation" alongside preview renders of Karts. In mid-July, a "kart-themed" Toontown newsletter and a poll relating to voting kart types which hinted further about a "Speedway" coming to Toontown.  Goofy Speedway was finally unveiled in the August 2005 Newsletter, seeing a release on the Test Server on August 17, 2005.

Test Server Release

One of the first designs for Goofy Speedway, as seen on the back of the August 2005 Newsletter

Goofy Speedway came out on the Test Server on August 17, 2005 [2] with Screwball Stadium and Rustic Raceway, including their reverse counterparts. The playground looked different as textures looked more plain, unfinished or missing.

The Goofy Speedway tunnel looked more like a normal tunnel and the entire neighborhood had different background music prior to an update on August 26, 2005.

City Circuit didn't open until August 30, 2005. It was also the date when Screwball Stadium and Rustic Raceway had removed the billboard decorations.

There were originally different race sound effects until an update on September 1, 2005.

The Dual Fin parts originally had different names until an update on September 2, 2005.

There were no signs above the racetunnels until an update on September 3, 2005.

Test Town Gallery
