Early Development of Cog Buildings

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Early Landmark Building Details


Landmark building: a special, more dimensional building found in the streets of Toontown that can be entered and taken over by Suits. When taken over, it turns into a Suit building.

Suit building: A landmark building taken over by a Suit.

Flat building: A flat building used the fill the space between landmark buildings.

Block: A group one landmark building and its surrounding flat buildings.

Suit track: Corporate, legal, social, or money

Suit level: Each Suit track has 8 levels, level 1 is weakest, level 8 is strongest.

General Synopsis

There are Toon landmark buildings that can be taken over by any Suit. A Suit takes over the building by walking through the front door. When the building gets taken over by a Suit, the building changes from the colorful Toon style to a gray corporate style. While the building is occupied by Suits it will output more Suits into the streets like an infestation. A group of Toons can enter the building to win it back. The group will face a series of increasingly difficult Suit battles. By winning all the battles, the Toons will reclaim the building for Toontown until the next time a Suit takes it over.

Early Cog Building Designs

Sellbot Cog Building

Cashbot Cog Building

Lawbot Cog Building

Bossbot Cog Building