List of Toontown Acronyms

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Acronym Full Name Description
M.A.T.H.I.S.F.U.N. Many Analytical Toons Happily Sorting and Furiously Unifying Numbers Society Group of Toons that count the scores for competitions and events
Street M.A.P.S. Marvelously Animated Pathfinding System Developed by Loony Labs to show the map of a Street
C.F.O. Chief Financial Officer The Department Head and Boss of the Cashbots
C.E.O. Chief Executive Officer The Department Head and Boss of the Bossbots
V.P. Vice President The Department Head and Boss of the Sellbots
C.J. Chief Justice The Department Head and Boss of the Lawbots
LHAAFBBHQ Let's Hunt Around And Find Bossbot HQ Group of Toons to discover Bossbot HQ for the first time.
HQ Head Quarters (or Headquarters) Toon Buildings for turning in ToonTasks, and also where specific Cog department bosses are located.