Rustic Raceway

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Rustic Raceway
Rustic raceway track.jpg
Welcome to Rustic Raceway! Please be kind to the fauna and stay on the track!
Race Track: Rural
Maneuver: Simple
Deposit: 100 Tickets
Qualifying time: 6:00:00
Circuit type: One
v • d • e

Rustic Raceway is a race track in Goofy Speedway. It is the easiest of the "Rural" tracks.

Ticket Earnings

Number of Toons Position Ticket Earnings
2 Toons Racing.png
First 150
Second 115
3 Toons Racing.png
First 200
Second 150
Third 115
4 Toons Racing.png
First 400
Second 200
Third 150
Fourth 115

In other languages

Language Name English Translation
FR.png French Piste Champêtre ???
ES.png Spanish ??? ???
D.png German ??? ???
BRZ.png Brazilian Portuguese Autódromo Rústico ???
Japan.png Japanese さびさびレースウェイRusty Raceway[1] ???