Samantha Spade

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Samantha Spade
Samantha Spade.jpg
Physical description
Gender: Female
Species: Duck
Color: Tan
Building: Trellis the Truth! Private Investigators
Street: Maple Street
Area: Daisy Gardens
v • d • e

Samantha Spade is an NPC duck Toon working at Trellis the Truth! Private Investigators on Maple Street, Daisy Gardens.

Trading card

Old Card.pngSamanthaSpadeCardSplit.png
Mysteries abound in Toontown - where are the Cogs coming from? Who stole Professor Pete's chalk? What has happened to Daisy Duck? And where there are mysteries, you will find Samantha Spade, Chief Detective of the Trellis the Truth Detective Agency in Daisy Gardens. 'I've been a flatfoot since the day a Number Cruncher stepped on my toes - yowch! Since then, I have made it my mission to use my keen detective skills to defeat the Cogs. Plus, I look pretty good in a trenchcoat. My tip for solving mysteries? Get a clue!'


  • On her trading card, Samantha Spade is tipping her hat. Behind her is the shadow of a Back Stabber or Pencil Pusher whose hands are splayed maniacally.
  • On the back of her trading card, Samantha Spade is shown in a diaper, looking into a small mouse hole with a magnifying glass.
  • Samantha Spade originally had her own Toontask, where Toons had to recover many items from Cogs in order to get their 35-Gag pouch.[1] This was removed when Sellbot HQ was released and replaced with Detective Lima's task.
