Samik Bhowal

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Samik Bhowal was a former software engineer for Toontown Online.

His achievements included the following:

  • Managed development of Toontown Online, an $18MM pioneer 3D MMORPG, subscription-based online game designed for kids and families; worked on generating client/server game components including avatar customization, NPCs, questing, grouping and battle systems, distributed object handling, level editing and asset pipeline management.
  • Designed, prototyped and implemented numerous minigames within Toontown, including “Toon Escape”, voted most popular minigame, averaging over 1.26 million hits per week.
  • Lead UI Programmer for Toontown; responsible for evaluating customer preferences and designing an interface that surpassed user expectation.
  • Designed and developed a new avatar creation system and early game flow which lowered the early funnel drop-off rate from 15% to 5%.
  • Led programming efforts for major trunk and bug release patches: Managed bug tracking, allocated resources, directed programmers and performed code-reviews to improve overall stability.

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Samik Bhowal on Linkedin