Sellbot HQ Lobby

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The Sellbot HQ Lobby is the room in Sellbot Headquarters where toons wear their sellbot suit and organize groups to fight the Vice President in Sellbot Towers. A total of 8 toons can join a boarding group to fight the Vice President. The lobby is at its busiest when you are in the districts Nutty River and Nutty Summit. In most other districts, the lobby is quiet, usually containing a small amount of toons unless a clan has planned an event. Toons without all the sellbot suit parts cannot enter the lobby. Toons without a sellbot promotion cannot enter the elevator.


The lobby is a room decorated with mechanical features, metal trusses, and a curved roof. Two large green robot eyes are placed near the elevator, possibly the reason that toons need to wear disguises. The entrance to the lobby and the elevator to the top of Sellbot Towers are on opposite ends of the room. They are both at the top of staircases that lead down to a floor between them.
