Steel Rod

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The Steel Rod is a type of fishing rod. It can be purchased in Clarabelle's Cattlelog for 1,200 jellybeans. Four jellybeans are required as bait in order to fish.

As an advanced fishing rod, it is capable of catching fish in the lower categories.

Catchable Fish

Name Location Weight Jellybean Value
Panda Bear Acuda The Brrrgh 14 - 20 lbs. 36 - 40 Jellies
Kodiac Bear Acuda Sleet Street & The Brrrgh 14 - 20 lbs. 41 - 45 Jellies
Grizzly Bear Acuda Walrus Way, & The Brrrgh 16 - 20 lbs. 55 - 58 Jellies
Clydesdale Sea Horse Estate 14 - 20 lbs. 26 - 30 Jellies
Arabian Sea Horse Estate 14 - 20 lbs. 36 - 40 Jellies
Piano Tuna Any Pond 13 - 17 lbs. 25 - 28 Jellies
Grand Piano Tuna Alto Avenue, Minnie's Melodyland 16 - 20 lbs. 55 - 59 Jellies
