Talk:Sellbot Factory

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Originally added by User:Tee888 on March 23, 2011; edited slightly by several users since then:

The Paint Mixer can be reached through a door to the right just after you emerge onto the East Catwalk from the direction of the Gear Room. Once you enter the door wait for one of the pistons to come to the level of the platform you are standing on and jump to it. There are five pistons in total, and you have to jump to them and across to the Paint Mixer Storage Room, which contains several barrels.

Stomper Alley is accessible by turning left just after the Duct Room. Study the pattern of the stompers for a bit and remember that you are safe right between the two big stompers and the four little stompers. Your goal is to get to the other side of the stompers.

The Lava Room can be reached by going left from the room just after Stomper Alley. Gears are spinning and a conveyor belt is moving backwards. You have to get across the conveyor belt without the gears pushing you into the lava. You can't wait between the gears because the conveyor belt is constantly pushing you backwards. As you get closer to the end of the conveyor, the gears will spin faster.

Falling into the lava or paint will result in a loss of two Laff points, and if you stay in there for too long you will keep losing Laff points until you get out. When you get crushed by a stomper you will lose three Laff points. If you get in there you can get gags and jellybeans in restock barrels. Some toons just go in the Side Factory Entrance for jellybeans.

Goons are located in the Lobby, the West and East Catwalks, and the Warehouse. Stomp on them to temporarily disable them, but watch out, contact with their light will cause you to lose between seven and ten laff points. They move pretty slowly, but even so, are quite deadly. (A goon doing 3 damage is located at the front entrance as well.)

this page needs fixing because the factory in sellbot HQ is not where cogs are made. its where the stuff the sellbots sell is made.

Maxwell the scribblenaut 20:30, March 10, 2011 (UTC)

And you know that how? Also, if you're so sure that it's where products, not cogs, are made, why don't you edit it yourself?

ThatPortalGuy (talk) 15:17, May 9, 2013 (UTC)