Toontown Adobe Flash Content/Japan/コグ射的練習場 "Cog Shooting Practice Range"

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コグ射的練習場 [Cog Shooting Practice Range]
Cog Target Japanese.png
Region: Japan
File Name: toonshoot.swf
v • d • e

This game is like the other versions of Cog Target Practice (whose gameplay can be read about in-depth on the USA subpage) but mostly in Japanese, which was the game's language of origin.

Links of Origin

The game's Flash file was contained in the link ( and could be viewed and played by users on the links ( (from 2007 to early 2008) and ( (from very late 2007 onwards).


  • Unlike certain other versions of Cog Target Practice, the dark greenish-blue text found in the upper left corner of the title screen above the game's title text does not say "Toontown". Instead, this text is a completely different word, "こちら" ("Kochira" in romanized form), which translates to "this way"/"here" (an indication of the direction of something). With this greenish-blue text included as part of the title name, it reads "こちらコグ射的練習場" [Here is Cog Shooting Practice Range/This is Cog Shooting Practice Range], as if the title screen is politely and formally introducing the player to the game (since "こちら" can be used to politely introduce one person to another).
  • The file name for this version of Cog Target Practice is "toonshoot.swf", the same as the USA version.
