Toontown Adobe Flash Content/Japan/Cog Bowling

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Cog Bowling, known in Japanese as "コグ・ボウリング" [Cog Bowling], (file name being TT_COG_BOWL.swf) was a Flash game centered around bowling. However, unlike normal bowling, in this game, the "pins" to be "knocked down" were Cogs, and not regular bowling pins.


The gameplay took place on a Toontown Central street. 6 Cogs would fly in from behind some Cog buildings and land in front of the player. The Cogs were arranged in a way similar to regular bowling pins, whereas they were in rows, and the frontmost row had only one Cog, while the rearmost row had the most amount of Cogs.

The gameplay had three sections: Choosing a ball, taking aim, then knocking down the Cogs. These three sections of gameplay would repeat until the player ran out of balls, in which case the game would end. The player had 10 balls total.

Choosing a ball

Before the player could begin knocking down Cogs, they had to choose a ball. There were 4 types of balls in the game, those being:

Standard Ball

The standard ball was a regular bowling ball. When the player launched it, it would roll in a straight path towards wherever they aimed. When the Cogs would get hit by it, they would fall down.

Pie Toss Ball

The Pie Toss ball was not a bowling ball, and was instead a Whole Cream Pie. When the player launched it, it would not roll in a straight path on the ground, rather, it would fly towards wherever the player aimed in a vertical arc (since it was being thrown rather than rolled). When Cogs were hit by the Pie Toss ball, they'd get Whole Cream Pie filling on them and would recoil.

Banana Ball

The Banana ball was a yellow ball with a very small banana stem sticking out of it. When the player launched it, it rolled in a sidewinding pattern where it would swerve left and right. Furthermore, when the player launched it, it would transform from a ball into a Banana Peel. When Cogs were hit by this ball, they would fall over.

Dynamite Ball

The Dynamite ball was a red ball with a fuse on top of it, making it resemble a bomb. When the player launched it, it would roll in a horizontal arc on the ground. When Cogs were hit by this ball, they would get blown up and would fall over.

Taking Aim

After the player chose a ball, they had to take aim. This was done by clicking at the right time in order to make sure the aiming arrow was in the right position.

Knocking Down Cogs

If the player aimed successfully, they'd knock down Cogs, earning them points. The more Cogs that were knocked down, the more points that would get earned. Getting a strike would earn the highest amount of points.


Cog Bowling utilized music from Toontown Online. However, instrument-wise, the music sounded the same as Happy Dance's music rather than sounding exactly like the in-game MIDI counterparts. The only two tracks in the game were the Cog building intermission theme (used on the main menu and game end screens) and the Minnie's Melodyland street theme (used during gameplay).

Links of Origin

One of the links this game's Flash file was contained in was ( This particular link was accessed by the webpage (, where users could view and play the game.


  • There was both a Japanese and English version of this game. The exact origins of both versions are unknown, however they both would have originally come from Disney sites.
