Toontown Adobe Flash Content/Japan/Miscellaneous Webpage Content

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Unlike other Toontown Online websites, ( ) was composed of many Flash files, and whole entire webpages were even composed of Flash files.


This flash file was a part of a larger page. It made up most of the page, with the rest of the page being a login box, a link to a Parent Support page that explained things relating to system requirements and membership fees, a link to the membership FAQ page, and another Flash file, "trolley.swf," which also contained the links for the Parent Support page and the membership FAQ page. The page it appeared on was the main homepage, ( It was connected to several other pages, one of them being ( Another page it was connected to was a Rankings page which was the Toontown Japan equivalent of a "Top Toons" page. It was also connected to several unknown "guest" related pages, including a guest page that was Toontown Times related and a page that was video related. The reason there was a Toontown Times guest page is because this Flash file had a Toontown Times window inside of it, and the guest page was originally displayed inside of this Toontown Times window. The video related page functioned similarly to the Toontown Times page, whereas it was originally displayed inside of a video window.


This Flash file simply had a trolley that would move to the right of the screen along the tracks and some pieces that went with main.swf in order to make the whole homepage.


This Flash file webpage was accessed through the toolbar at the top of the screen (which was its own standalone Flash file on some webpages, but not for this one) by clicking on the green and yellow book icon. The Flash file appeared on the link ( and was connected to several other Flash files/webpages through the buttons near the bottom of the screen. This Flash file was connected to ( (which was a link to a Flash version of the in-game Toontown map), the Flash registration pages (Through the link, and other unknown pages such as ( (which may have been the Japanese Flash installer movie with Scrooge McDuck) , ( , ( , and ( It was also connected to the Parent Support page. The Flash File also had a trolley that would move to the right of the screen along the tracks, but the trolley was not a separate Flash file.


This Flash file webpage was accessed through the toolbar at the top of the screen by clicking on the pink gift box. It held links to two Japanese Flash games, "Happy Dance" and a Flash game page referred to as "Cog Panic" (Although contents_fun.swf uses a screenshot from "Tug Of War" as a thumbnail for "Cog Panic's" page), with Happy Dance's link being ( and "Cog Panic's" page link being ( Cog Panic's page contains story1.swf and nothing else but a button to close the page.


This Flash file webpage appeared on the link ( and had a Cog-like theme to it that resembled the Cog Headquarters from the Flash game "Cog Target Practice." The gears and chains were animated, and occasionally a pipe at the bottom of the screen would spew out dark gray clouds that would quickly move across the screen to the left. The same clouds would fade away quickly after being spewed out.

It is quite possible that ( was one of the pages that contents_start.swf was connected to through the link (, but it is unknown if that is the case. This Flash file connected to other Flash files titled "honbu.swf," "new.swf," "tour.swf," and "secret.swf" through the orange buttons near the bottom of the screen, however, it is unknown what exactly these four connected Flash files were and how exactly they functioned on the webpage.