Toontown Adobe Flash Content/UK/Neopets Sponsorship Games & Advertisements

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(work in progress) Starting on August 30, 2003, the Neopets website began hosting Toontown sponsorship content. The content was intended to entice users browsing the Neopets website to play Disney's Toontown Online. This content ranged between animated advertisements and games, both of which offered players "Neopoints" (the term used for Neopets' virtual currency). The advertisements would give Neopoints for being clicked on at least once, while the games would primarily offer Neopoints based on how well the user played the game. Initially, in 2003, the only content was the game "Are you Toon Enough?" and three animated Toontown advertisements. However, around 2005, the amount of Toontown sponsorship content increased, with two additional games ("Gag Order" and "Cannon Shot") and their corresponding advertisements joining the Toontown sponsorship roster.





This sponsor advertisement is contained in the link ( It starts off with a plain loading screen, then a blue sky appears along with Flippy's head, which is really close to the screen. Flippy then goes down and out of sight, only to reappear again but farther away from the screen. He pulls out a pie, then throws the pie at the screen, creating a large splatter that says "Are YOU Toon Enough?", the main catchphrase of Toontown. After this, the Flash advertisement shows Flippy on the left side of the screen gently nodding his head up and down, a bunch of Toon buildings in the center, and three buttons. The topmost button named "What is Toontown?" explains what Toontown is to the user and also shows off some screenshots of the game. The button in the middle named "View Trailer" originally allowed the user to view the USA Toontown trailer. The button on the bottom named "Play Toontown Online" originally took the user to the link ( This link would probably then redirect the user to Toontown's main homepage. The "View Trailer" button offered the user 250 Neopoints 1x day. The "Play Toontown Online" button offered the user 500 Neopoints 2x day. The Flash file was connected to seven other Flash files, those ones being newss1.swf, newss2.swf, newss3.swf, newss4.swf, newss5.swf, newss6.swf, and newss7.swf. These seven Flash files were just Flash file versions of the screenshots seen on the "What is Toontown?" Check out the Game screen.


Not to be mistaken for toontown_728x90.swf, this Flash file was a simple advertisement for Toontown. It is stored in the link ( It offered 100 Neopoints for being clicked on. The Toontown logo was animated to have a shine effect, and this shine effect would play whenever the Flash file looped back to the first frame. The text was animated to "come out" at the user by expanding and contracting in size quickly. The text then fades away while also expanding in size in order to transition to the next message. The last bit of text, "Are YOU Toon Enough?" (Which is Toontown's main catchphrase) is animated to "come out" at the user like the other text, however, it has no "fade out and expand" transition. Also, the "YOU" was animated to pulsate transparent white copies of itself.


Not to be mistaken for toontown05_728x90.swf, this Flash file was a simple advertisement for Toontown that probably also served as an advertisement for the Flash game "Are You Toon Enough?" (AKA g488_v799233.swf). It is stored in the link ( The phrase "Are YOU Toon enough?" would drop into the screen from the foreground word by word, then the words would become illuminated by a white outline. After this, the text "Visit Toontown Online 100 Neopoints 3x/Day" would fade in. Then, the Cog on the left side of the screen and the Toontown logo on the right would flash white, then the Flash file would loop back to the start.

toontown1c.swf (488_1_v1.swf)

This Flash file was a simple advertisement for Toontown. It is stored in the link ( It had animated text transitions. It didn't offer any Neopoints for being clicked on. This Flash file probably also served as an advertisement for g488_v7_99233.swf (which was a Neopets-Toontown Flash game) since its alternative title shares the same ID number, "488".

toontown2c.swf (488_2_v1.swf)

This Flash file was a simple advertisement for Toontown. It is stored in the link ( It offered 50 Neopoints for being clicked on. It lacked text transitions, but it had some flashing text. Its theme was a simple "red alert" warning relating to the Cogs invading Toontown. This Flash file probably also served as an advertisement for g488_v7_99233.swf (which was a Neopets-Toontown Flash game) since its alternative title shares the same ID number, "488".

Cannon Shot


This Flash file served as an advertisement for the Toontown Neopets Sponsor game titled "Cannon Shot". It is stored in the link ( It had a simple animation of Flippy being shot out of a Toon cannon, flying past the words "CANNON SHOT", then landing into a tub of water. It would then invite the user to play the game.


This Flash file served as an advertisement for the Toontown Neopets Sponsor game titled "Cannon Shot". It is stored in the link ( It had the phrase "Are YOU Toon Enough?" appear word by word on the screen, with most of the words zooming to the screen from the background, with the exception of the word "enough", which quickly slid in from the right side of the screen. Then, it would have the phrase "Find Out Here!" appear, and finally it would transition and show the Toontown logo.

Gag Order


This Flash file served as an advertisement for one of the Toontown Neopets Sponsor games, the game being "Gag Order". It is stored in the link ( It started off with the Toontown catchphrase "Are YOU Toon enough?", then it switched to a screen with a green cat Toon throwing a Cream Pie at a Penny Pincher. After this, it would invite the user to play Gag Order, and then show off the Toontown Online logo.


This Flash file served as an advertisement for the Neopets Sponsor game "Gag Order", just like 518_1_v1.swf. It is stored in the link ( It started off with a close-up of a Big Cheese, which should shift its eyes back and forth. It would then show Toontown's catchphrase "Are YOU Toon enough?". After this, it would prompt the user to battle against the Cogs. It would also mention an offering of 100 Neopoints three times a day for visiting Toontown's website, but it didn't mention earning Neopoints from simply clicking on it.