Toontown Adobe Flash Content/UK/Toontown UK Website

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The UK Toontown Online website (originally found at was composed of several elements, including .swf files. One of its main components was a Flash file titled "Build_15.swf", which was one of the first things a user browsing the website would be greeted with.

"Build_15.swf" featured a Toontown-themed area not seen in-game, but most likely modeled to some degree after some variant of Toontown Central. Hints at this area being themed after Toontown Central include a cinema building in the background (since Toontown Central is the playground with the most movie theaters/cinemas in it), and a museum building in the background that somewhat resembles the Toontown Central library (but has an entirely different color scheme).

In the area featured in this Flash file, Cog buildings could be seen in the background (specifically a Cashbot, Sellbot, and Lawbot building, along with various gray skyscrapers). The Sellbot building was animated, and it would occasionally move its eyes. Additional animated details could be seen, such as the shadows of Cogs flying nearby the Cog buildings, a red rabbit Toon that would occasionally walk down a sidewalk nearby the Toon buildings, etc.

While some elements visible were only for decoration (i.e. the Cog buildings), others were functional site buttons. These functional elements included the Museum building, the Tourist Information building, the Newsroom building, the Cinema building, an unnamed orange building, a small mailbox located on a street lamp, and a large mailbox. Some of these functional elements served the same purpose as some of the buttons found on a row of buttons seen near the bottom of Build_15.swf. These buttons included "About Toontown", "See Toontown", "Toontown News", "Toontown Info" and "Quick Navigation".


The Museum building, which shared its function with the "About Toontown" button, would take the user to a section of the site that presumably explained information about Toontown Online. This section of the site had a Flash file within it titled "museum_room1.swf", and this is the first Flash file the site would attempt to open upon the user entering the Museum building section. This section of the site would've also most likely had music that played in the background, since within the assets for Build_15.swf, an audio file titled "5_Museum.swf" can be found. This audio file was a compressed and heavily shortened clip of an unreleased Toontown Online track, which can be heard here.

Tourist Information

The Tourist Information building, which shared its function with the "Toontown Info" button, would take a user to a section of the site that presumably explained information about Toontown Online. This section of the site had a Flash file within it titled "tourist.swf", which was the first Flash file the site would attempt to open upon entering the Tourist Information building.


The Newsroom building, which shared its functionality with the "Toontown News" button, would take the user to a section of the site that presumably shared news about Toontown (possibly similarly to Toon News for the Amused or some other Toontown news section found on other sites). This section of the site had a Flash file within it titled "newsroom.swf", which was the first Flash file the site would attempt to open upon entering the Newsroom building.


The Cinema building, which shared its functionality with the "See Toontown" button, would take the user to a section of the site that presumably showed clips of Toontown Online gameplay. This section of the site had a Flash file within it titled "cinema.swf", which was the first Flash file the site would attempt to open upon entering the Cinema building.

Unnamed Orange Building

This building could be seen with musical notes coming out of one of its windows. Clicking on this window would turn off the background music for the website, and cause the musical notes to stop appearing. Clicking the window again would cause musical notes to once more drift out of the window, and turn the background music back on.


This small blue mailbox, when clicked on, would take the user to the link ( This section of the site contained a Flash file called "parentsPrintable.swf" which could be used to send a message to other users in order to entice them to play Toontown Online. There were two parts to Flash file: "Send a Message" and "Letter Creator".

The Send a Message part was used to send Toontown-themed D-cards to other users. The two D-cards available for this part were UK versions of "Card Cog" and "Join Me", both of which had Flash files associated with them located within the links ( and (, respectively.

The Letter Creator part was used to craft a letter to send to whomever the user desired. Crafting a letter was done through modifying a template provided by the Flash file. Once the user finished filling out their template, they could print out the letter they created and give the letter one of two possible appearances; a metallic-looking appearance or an appearance that had flowers on it.

News Stand

This large yellow mailbox, when clicked on, would cause a Toontown Times newspaper to appear on the screen. Presumably, this newspaper would've showed a picture, some text, and 2-3 news headings pertaining to Toontown.

Links of Origin

The main Build_15.swf component of the UK website was contained in the link (