Toontown Adobe Flash Content/USA/Cog Invasion Throw

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Cog Invasion Throw
Toontown Cog Invasion Throw.png
Region: United States
File Name: tnt_spl_fps_coginvasionthrow.swf
v • d • e

Cog Invasion Throw (file name being tnt_spl_fps_coginvasionthrow.swf) is a Flash game where the player is tasked with fighting off a swarm of Cogs.


The gameplay involves the player aiming their cursor then clicking to shoot water at the Cogs with Squirt gags. In addition to using their mouse, the player must use the left and right arrow keys to look around for Cogs that may be offscreen. Defeating Cogs earns the player points, and after receiving a certain amount of points the player unlocks a new gag. The point requirements for each new gag go as follows:

  • 15 points - Fruit Pie Slice
  • 45 points - Whole Fruit Pie
  • 90 points - Cream Pie Slice
  • 150 points - Whole Cream Pie

Regardless of what Throw gag the player is using, all gags defeat the Cogs in one hit. However, higher levels of gag will earn the player more points. The Cupcake earns the player 1 point per Cog, the Fruit Pie Slice earns 2 points per Cog, the Whole Fruit Pie earns 3 points per Cog, the Cream Pie Slice earns 4 points per Cog, and the Whole Cream Pie earns 5 points per Cog.

During gameplay, flying Cogs will land on the ground then immediately begin slowly walking towards the player. If a Cog reaches the player, the player instantly loses the game and is shown the game over screen. There is a radar in the top right corner of the screen which shows how many Cogs are in the area and their position. Cogs are symbolized on the radar via green circles. A circle will turn red if a Cog is starting to get dangerously close to the player.

The game has multiple levels. The winning condition of each level requires the player to earn a certain amount of points. Once enough points are earned, the player moves on to the next level. There are 3 levels in total. The point requirements for each level are as follows:

  • Level 1 - 45 points
  • Level 2 - 150 points
  • Level 3 - 300 points

After level 3, the player is shown the winning screen.


All of the music in this game was ripped from Toontown Online. The main music that plays during gameplay is the theme played while in the non-final floors of a Cog Building in Toontown Online. The jingle that plays on the game over screen, along with the jingle that plays on the winning screen, are different clips of the same unused Toontown Online jingle known amongst fans as "Sting Announce" (official filename being "encntr_sting_announce.mid"). The game over screen utilizes the opening half of Sting Announce (approximately the first second of it), while the winning screen utilizes a later segment of Sting Announce (approximately starting from 2 seconds into the jingle).

Links of Origin

This game could be originally played at the link ( even after Toontown Online shut down. However, it was eventually taken down. Despite this, it is still stored on one of its original official links (, and can still be downloaded from said link as of June 19, 2021.


  • Cog Invasion Throw is nearly identical to Cog Invasion Squirt. It is unknown which of the two games was made first.
    • Cog Invasion Throw's main differences from Cog Invasion Squirt are as follows: the title screen's background is a bit different, the game over screen has text, and there are graphical oversights on some of the artwork (i.e. Lady Zilly's hand being covered in black) that make this game look less polished than Cog Invasion Squirt.
  • The order in which the player earns new Throw gags is different compared to the order in Toontown Online. While in Toontown Online, the player earns the Fruit Pie Slice, Cream Pie Slice, Whole Fruit Pie, and Whole Cream Pie in the listed order, in Cog Invasion Throw the player earns the Fruit Pie Slice, Whole Fruit Pie, Cream Pie Slice, and Whole Cream Pie in the listed order.
  • This game completely lacks the Birthday Cake and Wedding Cake Throw gags.
  • The Cogs in this game have their heads and bodies mismatched, such as the Flunky having a muscular body (also known as "Type A" body) instead of its usual fat body (also known as "Type C" body), or the Yesman having a Cashbot colored suit.
  • The game's artwork shows a few Toons from Toontown's beta era: Sir Zippy Hucklenose (tall dog Toon), Lady Zilly (rabbit Toon), Crazy Louie (horse Toon), and Super Ernie (duck Toon).
  • The description for the game was "Are you Toon enough to beat the Cogs? Protect Toontown's Silly Street from the invading evil Cogs." according to the link ( Strangely, the game is referred to as "Cog Invasion Throwing" on this link, and not "Cog Invasion Throw".
