Toontown Adobe Flash Content/USA/Puzzle Game 1

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Puzzle Game #1
Toontown Puzzle Game.png
Region: United States
File Name: game1.swf
v • d • e

Puzzle Game #1 (file name being game1.swf) is a photo puzzle game that was originally available to play while Toontown was downloading.


The objective is to click on parts of the photo and swap them back to their correct places, forming a non-mixed up picture of a Toontown screenshot. These screenshots were taken during an early stage of Toontown Online's development. After solving one puzzle, a selling point is quoted below the completed image. Occasionally, Cogs will come in and try to scramble the puzzle all over again, and in order to stop them, the player has to click on all of the Cogs that appear. The time left before the Cogs arrived is shown by an orange beaker-like tube on the right side of the screen. When the beaker fills up and the bubbles reach the top, the Cogs will come. The beaker instantly fills up when the player gets a puzzle correct, meaning the player must fight off the Cogs one last time before progressing to the next stage. There are 8 stages in total, and after finishing all of them, the game restarts from the beginning. Each stage gets slightly harder due to the increased speed of the Cogs' arrival.


The game lacks background music. The only music in the game is a jingle that plays when a puzzle is complete.

Puzzle Complete

Links of Origin

One of the links that this Flash file was originally contained in was (


Research primarily obtained from files provided by this Youtube video:
