Toontown Adobe Flash Content/USA/Toontown Trivia Challenge

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Toontown Trivia Challenge
Region: United States
File Name: tnt_mmg_trv_trivia.swf
v • d • e

On one of the Disney websites (, there was an assortment of "Trivia Challenge" games with varying themes. One of said Trivia Challenge games was themed around Toontown Online, and was titled "Toontown Trivia Challenge" (file name being tnt_mmg_trv_trivia.swf).


Like the other Disney Trivia Challenge games, Toontown Trivia Challenge's gameplay revolved around asking the player questions. In this case, the questions were themed around Toontown Online. The player would have to choose the correct answer from a multiple choice-styled selection screen. Choosing the correct answer would earn the player points and a "correct answer" animation would play. Choosing the wrong answer would cause a "wrong answer" animation to play. though it is unknown how this would've impacted the player's points (whether via deducting points or having no effect).


None of the sound effects nor music in Toontown Trivia Challenge were from the actual Disney's Toontown Online game. The game only had one song which would loop indefinitely while the game was running.

Main Theme

Links of Origin

The game's main file was originally stored in the link ( and can still be downloaded from said link as of August 8, 2023. The game relied on other files and/or data in order to function correctly, with said other components' links of origin being unknown.

The game was most likely originally able to be viewed and played by users on a link similar to this one: (, which is for a game titled "Disney Fan Trivia Challenge". However, in Toontown Trivia Challenge's case, the ID section of the link would've likely had the number "9798" instead of "10516", since a link (which has an unknown purpose, since there is no evidence indicating the game would've been directly playable through this link) where Toontown Bubble Jumble was referenced ( implies that the game's ID number was "9798".

The game's question data was most likely stored in an XML file link similar to this one: (, which is for a quiz game for a different Disney property titled "A.N.T. Farm".

