Toontown Adobe Flash Content/USA/TuneTown

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Region: United States
File Name: ToonTownDance.swf (for main component)
v • d • e

TuneTown (file name being ToonTownDance.swf for its main file) was a Flash game about Toons on a dance floor.


The aim of the game was simply to make Toons dance. There were multiple Toons to choose from, two of which being a male green cat and a female yellow mouse (it is currently unknown which other Toons there may or may not have been). The selectable Toons used cropped images of in-game models from the Toontown Online game as their sprites. In order for the player to make their selected Toon dance, they had to click buttons that were on the screen.

There were also multiple background images and songs to choose from.

Players could record their Toon's dance moves and E-mail them to other people for viewing using the buttons on the left side of the screen during gameplay.


None of the songs were from Toontown Online. (Note that the soundtrack below is incomplete, with some of the songs missing):

SONGS (Incomplete Soundtrack)

Song 1
Song 2

Links of Origin

This version of TuneTown could be viewed and played by users on the webpage link (

The main game asset for TuneTown was contained in the link (

Other stored assets for the game under the domain included ( which contained assets for the green cat Toon, ( which contained assets for the yellow mouse Toon, ( which contained assets for one of the playable background songs, and ( which contained assets for another one of the playable background songs. The remaining Flash assets for the game (such as the rest of the Toons and songs) were most likely also stored under this domain.


  • Some elements from this game were separate Flash files from the main game, such as all of the usable Toons and all of the songs.
  • The Flash game had other versions of itself in other languages, one of the known other languages being French.
  • The dance moves in the game used animations from the actual Toontown game. The animations used included the "Applause" emotion, the "Confused" emotion, the "Down" dance move, the dancing animation used for the Bamboo Cane gag, the "Right" dance move, a falling over animation possibly related to a Cog attack (though in TuneTown this animation is played forwards then backwards to give the impression of the Toon bending backward then up), the "The Shuffle Hop" dance move which is also associated with various Cog attacks, the "Up" dance move, the battle victory dance, the "Angry" emotion, the "Happy" emotion (though in TuneTown the part where the Toon jumps into the air does not occur, instead the animation's first couple of frames are looped so that the Toon looks like it's bending up and down), the "Bow" emotion, and two other animations (one of which being trimmed so short in TuneTown that it is hard to identify, and the other being an unknown dancing animation where the Toon moves its arms up and down in an arm wave/snake-like motion).
