Toontown Bank

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This building is minor. This means that its shopkeeper, if any, does not offer any necessary ToonTasks to Toons.

The Toontown Bank is a Toon building located in the Toontown Central playground. Its NPC Toon is called Banker Bob.


  • This building is not actually a bank despite its name and appearance.
  • The building has a piggy bank on top.
  • Although it has a fancy appearance and an important spot in Toontown Central, there is no specific use for the bank.
  • There were suppose to be two extra piggy banks on the back side roof of the Bank. However, due to a model export issue, they are not visible.[1]



  1. Bank Model Back.png
    Technical Explanation: The planes for the piggy bank graphics have incorrect vertex normals. Since the graphic is using the billboard effect along with default backface culling, the geometry is being culled from render.