Toontown Beta/Beta 1

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Toontown-Online-Title-Beta 1.png

Toontown Online was first released as Beta 1, sometime at the beginning of September 2001 (sv1.0.5). It lasted until January 16, 2002 (sv1.0.13), where it predates the implementation of many fundamental game mechanics.

Release Notes

Main article: Release notes (2001)Release notes (2002)

General Differences

  • Many of the menus are still in their basic state, such as the Shticker Book and loading screen.
  • The Toontorial was completely different, taking place in an instanced Toontown Central. Mickey Mouse welcomes you to Toontown, walks you through basic movement and ToonTalker, and guides you to the Trolley.
  • Toon nametags at this point were red instead of orange and then later on green. The player's nametag was of a less saturated red rather than blue and NPCs had blue ones instead of dark green and then orange.
  • Speedchat, called ToonTalker in this build works differently; rather than have a set of phrases, they could originally be made in the form of a sentence build consisting of words.
  • Street Names have not been implemented. Instead, tunnels state which Playground they lead to.
  • Toon HQs and Gag Shops have not yet been implemented. In their place stand unused shops.
  • Gags can only be bought from playing Trolley Games.
  • Treasures are represented by actual treasure chests rather than playground-specific objects.
  • Your Toon couldn't jump.
  • All instances of Cogs in the game were capitalized as "COGs".
  • Cogs didn't have types on their nametags and were colored blue.
  • Toons didn't get logged off after they're left inactive for ten minutes.


See also: Early Development of Make-A-Toon

File:Toontown Archive - Beta 1 Tutorial-2[1]

Toontown Central (sv1.0.5-sv1.0.13)

See also: Early Development of the Toontown World

