Toontown Wiki:Edit Tracks

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This page is fully protected.

Edit Tracks is a special feature that allows a new badge track to be created. It is currently maintained by GamerPerson. Edit Tracks work similarly to the Editing badge track. Edit Tracks are created based on a category. Any edits made on an article in that category will earn you edits towards the Edit Track.

An example:

  • Edit Track: Cogs
  • Any articles edited in the Category:Cogs will be counted towards your Cogs Edit Track
  • Articles without Category:Cogs will not be counted into the Cogs Edit Track

Also, refrain from adding the Edit Track category into articles that do not affiliate with the category.


  • Category:Toontown Central on a Donald's Dock NPC Toon
  • Category:Gags on articles that are not Gags
  • Category:Cogs on Gag articles

Edit Tracks are put up for one week. Once the week is over, the Edit Track will be disabled. However, you keep any earned badges in your possession, unless blocked. A new Edit Track will be put up once GamerPerson has enabled it.

Remember, the Wiki Rules for Badges still apply. Small editing, undo-redos, adding useless categories into an article, and other rules are not aloud. You may be blocked for the action.

An existing Edit Track (see below) will resume if it is voted again. When re-enabled, you'll be able to continue where you left off.

Edit Tracks


Badge-775-0.png 1 edit on a Gags page
Badge-775-1.png 5 edits on Gags pages
Badge-775-2.png 10 edits on Gags pages
Badge-775-3.png 25 edits on Gags pages
Badge-775-4.png 50 edits on Gags pages
Badge-775-5.png 100 edits on Gags pages
Badge-775-6.png 250 edits on Gags pages
Badge-775-7.png 500 edits on Gags pages


Badge-801-0.png 1 edit on a Cogs page
Badge-801-1.png 5 edits on Cogs pages
Badge-801-2.png 10 edits on Cogs pages
Badge-801-3.png 25 edits on Cogs pages
Badge-801-4.png 50 edits on Cogs pages
Badge-801-5.png 100 edits on Cogs pages
Badge-801-6.png 250 edits on Cogs pages
Badge-801-7.png 500 edits on Cogs pages

Cog Moves

Badge-839-0.png 1 edit on a Cog Moves page
Badge-839-1.png 5 edits on Cog Moves pages
Badge-839-2.png 10 edits on Cog Moves pages
Badge-839-3.png 25 edits on Cog Moves pages
Badge-839-4.png 50 edits on Cog Moves pages
Badge-839-5.png 100 edits on Cog Moves pages
Badge-839-6.png 250 edits on Cog Moves pages
Badge-839-7.png 500 edits on Cog Moves pages

Toontown Central

Badge-890-0.png 1 edit on a Toontown Central page
Badge-890-1.png 5 edits on Toontown Central pages
Badge-890-2.png 10 edits on Toontown Central pages
Badge-890-3.png 25 edits on Toontown Central pages
Badge-890-4.png 50 edits on Toontown Central pages
Badge-890-5.png 100 edits on Toontown Central pages
Badge-890-6.png 250 edits on Toontown Central pages
Badge-890-7.png 500 edits on Toontown Central pages


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