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Ubers are Toons that have a very low laff limit, but powerful gags. This is a player choice that is meant to make the game more challenging.


The term "Uber" and its associated concept occurred in the earliest days of Toontown Online. Originally coined as a term to describe Toons who were skilled at the game and well-respected amongst the Toontown community[1][2], it shortly adapted into the term "Uber Noob", which eventually shortened to just "Uber".[3]

Due to a bug present in Toontown Online before December 1, 2004, Toons were able to strategically avoid the majority of laff boost ToonTasks[4][5], allowing for a perfect Uber of this time period to have 50 laff and six gag tracks.[6] This was beneficial, as a mandatory ToonTask at that point required Toons to help a Toon 50 laff or less progress through a Vice President battle.[7] However, such Ubers would often refuse to have their Sellbot Cog Disguise reach past level 19 Mr. Hollywood, with the intention of avoiding an increase towards their overall laff.

Soon after said bug was patched, Toons changed their method of creating Ubers. While the original Ubers could still be found, they could not be made anymore. This led to the creation and defining of what the Toontown community now know as two-gag, three-gag, and four-gag Ubers. The primary focus of those Ubers turned to maxing their Sellbot Cog Disguise, which is a common Uber type.


There are a few different kinds of Ubers:

  • The 15 laff uber who only maxed their Throw and Squirt gags.
  • The 20 laff uber who only has the Throw and Squirt gags, and maxed their Sellbot Cog suit and thus, can only carry 20 gags.
  • The 30 laff uber will have completed all of Toontown Central's Toontasks and will carry three gag tracks (Throw, Squirt and Sound/Toon-Up), and maxed their Sellbot Cog suit, and will carry 30 gags total (by not choosing laff boost Toontasks, and completing the carry 30 gags Toontask).
  • The 39 laff uber carries four gag tracks and will have completed all of Donald's Dock's Toontasks, and maxed their Sellbot Cog suit, holding a total of 35 gags. This type of uber will either have: Sound/Toon-Up, and Lure/Drop.
  • The 76 laff uber (Cashbot uber) has completed the Cashbot Cog suit Toontasks of Donald's Dreamland, maxed their Cashbot suit, and holds a total of 70 gags. This uber will have six gag tracks.


  • Über is a word in German that means "over".
  • In Toontown Online, Reverse Ubers were sometimes referred to as Rebus (Uber spelled backward) or Anti-Ubers.
  •  Most Ubers are not able to carry a lot of gags, nor can they teleport to every neighborhood.
  • Most Ubers do not race, fish, golf or garden, as doing so can earn laff points (planting gag trees, however, does not give any laff boost).
  • Some maxed Cashbot ubers have only 66 laff points, because of a glitch that allowed Toons to skip laff boost Toontasks in Donald's Dreamland. They would get 61 laff points from The Brrrgh's Toontasks, and 5 from their Cashbot suit. [Citation Needed »]

