Unite Shopping

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Debunked Information

This article has been debunked for fallacious information.
However, due to common misconceptions, this article will not be removed and will be retained for reference purposes.

Explanation: Mata Hairy's Cog suit is completely unrelated to the Unite reward you get at the end. The reward is randomly generated after the C.F.O. dies.

Very similar to SOS shopping, Unite Shopping is when a toon enters a Chief Financial Officer battle only to see what Cashbot Suit Mata Hairy is wearing. When Mata is wearing the outfit of a weak Cashbot, the Unite! phrase that she gives as a reward usually is considered "bad." Thus, the toon leaves the battle by closing their Toontown window. Although, the legitimacy of the link between Mata's suit and a good unite is debated, and to date there is no evidence to support this link.