User:Clubchloe1/Doodle handling notes

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This page has the notes for how to handle a doodle with care.

Trick training

Something I noticed with trick training is that for example, if you use a toon that you made but is different from the owner of the doodle, then it will tend to be confused more than when the owner of the doodle is training it. Here's what I generally do when trick training:

  1. Get the doodle to affectionate status
  2. Then try to get it to use the trick you're training it
  • If it doesn't work, then you will have to:
  1. Do some command (i.e. pet it or feed it) 2 times
  2. Then while doing that command, say either:
  • "Good girl!"
  • "Good boy!"
  • "Nice doodle"
3. Then try to use the trick again (Note: You may have to repeat this process if it doesn't work, but it most likely will)
3. Then after that, when your doodle has the tired status, feed/pet it 2 times, and say one of the following to it (while you're doing to command):
  • "Good girl!"
  • "Good boy!"
  • "Nice Doodle"

And keep repeating the process to train it.


  • It will take a long time to fully train up even a single trick
  • The more filled a doodles stat bar for training tricks, the more likely it will preform a that trick.
  • When your doodle is confused, you might wanna pet it/feed it and say while doing that "Good girl/boy!" or "Nice Doodle" because they did try.


Before going into a battle and planning using your doodle, you want to make sure you know their status; listed here is what I have noticed to be able to get a doodle to use a trick:

  • Affectionate is the best, as a doodle is more likely to preform a trick in this status than any other
  • Sleepy/tired is pretty bad, as a doodle is less likely to preform a trick in this status

Any other is bad, and excited I have tried and it is very unlikely for a doodle to preform a trick when it is excited.