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About me

Hello, my name is Cool Electrogadget, a 106 laffer light green dog. I started playing Toontown Online in 2008 when I really hated being not a member. Now I am a member so ya I am this powerful now. I myself FORMERLY own a Toontown wiki and you can find it here:, I really need help on that wiki. I SHALL BECOME ADMIN ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Well maybe or maybe not, who knows.)

My Grammar Style:

Toons, Cogs, and most activities in Toontown are in CAPS!

Always have correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

My Toontown Stats (my main Toon)

Name: Cool Electrogadget

Laff: 106 (i suck for my laff)

Doodle: Xavier (green colored, from ToonTown Central.)


Toon-up: NONE (ya i was a noob that time, i thought toon-up was bad)

Trap: Trapdoor (for some reason, i never train my trap, shoud've gotten toon-up)

Lure: $10 bill (lure was my last gag track becuz i had trap)

Sound: Opera Singer (opera noise is very annoying, im no soundless grief)

Throw: Wedding Cake (my first level 7 gag WOOT!)

Squirt: Geyser (Loan Sharks hate geysers)

Drop: Toontanic (finally, i already got my toontanic!)

Cog Suits-

Sellbot: Glad Hander (mind if i give ya a hand?)

Cashbot: Loan Shark (my highest suit, cfo is easy)

Lawbot: Bottom Feeder (i fought the cj 2 times)

Bossbot: Flunky (im gonna send u back to the playground, im a level 1)

Me like: eating waffles


Me no like:

no caps (unless i type normally)




pepl who call me weak

My favorite pages

  • 1. Pencil Pusher (my first edit)
  • 2. My userpage (of course why not forget that.)
  • 3. Cogs (possibly best page on the Toontown wiki)