User:Dragonian King/Good ol' Salty Paddlenugget

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16 Good ol' Salty Paddlenugget
Brown Bear
Good ol Salty Paddlenugget.png
Toon-Up: Toon-Upless
Trap: Trapless
Lure: Doesn't have Lure
Sound: Doesn't have Sound
Throw: Whole Fruit Pie
Squirt: Seltzer Bottle
Drop: Dropless
Fishing information
Fishing rod: Twig
Estate information
Doodle Name: Pizza
Shovel: Tin
Watering Can: Small
Miscellaneous information
Kart type: Cruiser
Cog suits
No pieces
No pieces
No pieces
No pieces

Good ol' Salty Paddlenugget, or Salty for short, is my third toon that I made... Sometime. He has a Doodle named Barnacle. He is a future 4-track uber, and is currently working on ToonTasks in ToonTown Central.


Salty is a brown bear because... Well I just felt like making a bear toon. But that was WAY before I developed anything about Salty or his character.

I made him an uber because one of my best friends, Dog of Fury, had an uber named Unbearable, and he was a bear. So as a tribute to him I picked Salty to be my uber.

He sits in the right slot on the top. Bet'cha didn't need or want to know that, but there you go.

I also like to pretend he's a retired sailor, which is why he wears a sailor cap and pirate clothes. :3