User:Dragonian King/Silly Slippy Pepperhopper

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90 Silly Slippy Pepperhopper
Orange Dog
Silly Slippy Pepperhopper.png
Toon-Up: Juggling Cubes
Trap: Trapless
Lure: $10 Bill
Sound: Maxed
Throw: Maxed
Squirt: Maxed
Drop: Safe
Fishing information
Fishing rod: Gold
Estate information
Doodle Name: Pizza
Shovel: Tin
Watering Can: Huge
Miscellaneous information
Kart type: Cruiser
Cog suits
Two-Face Level 8
Penny Pincher Level 2
No pieces
No pieces

Silly Slippy Pepperhopper, or Silly for short, is my first and main toon that I made when I joined ToonTown. He has a Doodle named Pizza. He is trapless, and completed all the ToonTasks.


Silly is orange and a dog, because, well, I like dogs and orange is my favorite color. 'nuff said.

Why did I pick him to be Trapless? No idea, honestly! Sometimes I wish I picked Trap for him instead of Drop, but once you get past the Anvil, Drop is worth it!

He also sits in the middle slot on the top. Did you want to know that? Probably not, but since I just told you, there's really not much you can do about it now.