User:Fräulein Trixie

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Fräulein Trixie

1. Thanks for participating our interview! How do you feel?

Well thanks I feel kinda honored, I think it is a pretty cool idea and I wonder how you gonna make it look like. I'd like to answer your questions although I think they are quite extensive. I try to keep it short but I guess I'm gonna fail, lol.

2. How did you meet Toontown?

Well pretty easy, it's a shortcut on my desktop, lol. I guess you want to know how I came across that game? That was back in 2004 when there were TV ads on the children channel and we thought it might be fun for our daughter who was nearly getting 4 back then - and we tried it on a trial basis. She really enjoyed creating toons all over, naming them, dressing them and playing trolley games. Soon she was tired on that and always wanted to make new toons -- so we had to delete them all over again, and the Make-A-Toon part was giving her the highest pleasure. But then my wife and me helped her on tasks in TTC and had great fun so that we finally decided to buy two full accounts and continued playing that toon she had created: Fräulein Trixie was born!

Shortly after my wife and me played it way more than our little one, but she is also still playing her own toon until now from time to time. In fact we consider of getting another account for her now too.

3.As you are addictive in Toontown,why does it make you addictive in Toontown?

Tough question, hard to tell really. I am just having a wonderful time still in the game even after 7 years playing, always getting to know more new friends, and laffing alot about all those funny situations happening during gameplay. There is no other funny multiplayer game like this I think - I don't like those battle and war themes. And its the friends that make me stick to it - before Toontown I wasn't really playing games on Computers (well not much since I had a PC; I was playing on a C64 and Apple II back in the 90s lol), but I was more interested in doing creative stuff like programming or picture editing, later I was stuck for a while in a different community that was producing and exchanging electronic books. But I couldn't share that with my family, so TT is actually the first thing that we can all be part of and enjoying playing together. Being a member in the German community is another major reason I think that keeps me with the game. I like to help people with their problems if I can, and I am quite talented with the English language I guess, so I can be quite helpful on translations and stuff.

4. Can you tell us more about your job in

I joined there in April 2004 because I was done with my tasks in the German game and wanted to know how it continues - there wasn't even the Sellbot HQ existing in the beginning! I wondered about all those barriers and signposts telling about construction sites. And I found more infos on the net right away, discovered that other large English forum first but then got to, the German forum. And there the people were talking about the just being released Cashbot HQ in the US game. I discovered, became member here and started to make guides for the German players from all the infos I could gather together. It didn't take very long until I was asked to become moderator and soon after co-administrator of TT-Click.
I got into contact with Sander Dolphin back then and he introduced me to LLP who had the idea of creating an international community site, which I found really thrilling. I loved the forum software and design style here and asked if we could have a translated version for us. He was willing giving it to us and also gifted the hosting server: I will always be grateful for that!
I am happy to say that we have a decent nice bunch of people in the forum's community, many of them using it as their "internet living room" for many years now although they have given up playing TT themselves. The moderating staff only exists out of 10 members, but they are doing a great job, and I would call some of them my BFF: Best friends forever! I just cannot imagine at the moment that this will ever end...
In fact I don't have too much to do, as the younger ones in our forum are doing a real good job and there wasn't hardly ever real trouble with the members.

5. You and Gigglebounce and worked so fine together at IT. What do you think about it?

Did we? Well, I haven't got much to say about it. I am IT admin in my profession, programming VB, SQL databases and manage our company's network. I am happy to say that my hobby became my job, so all this on TTK is just fun for me, and as I said before, I like to help when I can. Everybody likes to receive commendation, but that's not the reason I do it for. I don't need it for my own good, and it might sound a bit "big headed" now, but I am just not selfish at all.

6. Can you tell us something more about

Well Siggen is the most helpful Toontown fan site on the internet, besides the forums existing. It provides all the important additional infos you need to know for the game and even more than that, it is just great to have a statistical dataset upon your toons. I am happy to say my friend Steve made it, and he is a true genius on programming, oh yes! I love the signature images you can generate on it and I also use it to look for the latest news on the game releases too - sometimes even before I read them here on Toontask.
You should really try to dig deeper onto this great site that is so well designed and programmed too, if you are a true Toontown friend.

I hope I answered your questions well enough now, I am afraid a little too extensive probably.

You wanted an image of my toon, here you got one:


Fräulein Trixie as a toon doesn't exist anymore. Although they always say Toons cannot die: The German toons were eliminated when Disney closed down the German server on 29th of June, 2006. Fräulein Trixie was dying fully maxed with 112 laff, lol.

My actual playing toons you can see on this rotating signature image:

Rolis Toons