User:Gringo Pussy Cat

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About me

I have a toon.

My Toons

  • Beary True

Current ToonTasks

  1. Add a ToonTask


  • I'm going to go summon buildings at Nutty Summit, TTC, Punchline todaytext, the building summons only lasted about a half hour. It's in progress right now. Also summoning invasions here.
    • After this, I noticed that there might be a limit to how many cog buildings are allowed in a street ( Will confirm or deny this when I do another in the future) because most of the buildings I summoned were turned back into Toon buildings after 30 minutes ( No toons entered them. I even saw one when 3 toons were kicked out of the elevator then it reverted). When I "re-summoned" them by using what was left in the Cog Building summons, which was half of the amount of buildings there earlier, they didn't turn back to toon buildings even after 2 hours went by.
    • Proof of the invasions? ( I did Level 6 - 8 )
    • Proof of the buildings? Check the Slideshow.

I'm so sorry if this has caused a very negative effect on all those who were in the district. My apologies in advance. Some of the buildings like Dr. Pulyurleg's couldn't be taken over... sorry about that.

My favorite pages

  • None