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My toon, Feferi Peixes.

Hello! My name is Lola, and I love Toontown. I also love Homestuck, Vocaloids, and My Little Pony. I'm generally shy, so I probably won't talk much to people. It doesn't mean I'm trying to be mean, I just am afraid to say anything.

My Toons

I currently have 3 toons that I use.

Lola Poodle

118 laff brown dog

All maxed gags

Maxed sellbot suit

Robber Baron level 37

Bloodsucker level 5

Flunky level 4

Gardening 35/40

Fishing 65/70

Golfing 15/30

Racing 3/30

Nyan Lizard

106 laff lavender dog

Pixie dust


Hypno Goggles

Maxed sound, squirt, and throw

No sellbot suit

Short Change level 1

Bottom Feeder level 1

No bossbot suit

Gardening 0/40

Fishing 50/70

Golfing 11/30

Racing 0/30

Feferi Peixes

64 laff maroon cat



No lure yet


Whole Cream Pie

Seltzer Bottle


No suits

Gardening 15/40

Fishing 28/70

Golfing 0/30

Racing 0/30

Task : 2/5 4+ story cog buildings defeated

Recover a gold tooth from Robber Barons

30/75 cogs defeated in The Brrrgh

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