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Hello Im Jacobmystic & I am a big Toontown fan!


Jacob is my toon. He is a lime duck with a circle head & big beak. He has 31 Laff. He wears an aqua shirt & orange pants

& has the name Jacob hovering over his head. He is a very friendly toon, & helps Toontown by recieving the Toon-Up track to help

toons with low Laff. Jacob sometimes defeats Cogs. He likes Toon parties. He is a very strong Toon, he can handle a level 5 Cog by himself! When you see Jacob (he usually appears on Toontown on weekends or holidays), make him your friend! A wise happy duck is great for a friend for anyone.

Toontown Movie???

I was thinking of a Toontown movie! If you want to be in it, please talk to me on my talk page. So far, I've added these Toons:

  • Jacob (me)
  • Hamish (a 34 Laff blue dog with a blurple shirt & orange pants, & has a bump on head & short snout. He is the tallest toon there is, & proud of it!)
  • Grace (a 28 Laff lavender cat with a red shirt & a white skirt, & has a short head & small mouth.)
  • Ducky (a 16 Laff, slate blue dog (nah, just kidding, duck) with pink top & green skirt, short beak, oval head.)
  • Misty Moo (unknown details)

Also, tell me your toons details (not username & password!) like:

  • Name
  • Laff
  • Colour
  • Species
  • Clothes
  • Personality

OK! Chat to me!