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About me

Hi, I'm Mackboy. I love beef tacos, foxes, and especially Toontown! My toon in game is named Big Chester Rhinoboom, and he has 110 laff, plus he's trap-less! My doodle's name is Gnocchi, and he's really awesome. My Sellbot suit is a Mr. Hollywood, my Cashbot suit is a Money Bags, Bloodsucker on Lawbot. Bossbot is the first cog; Flunky. I've maxed the following, Throw, Squirt, Sound, and Toon-Up! :D

I am also currently reading The Legend of Toontown, by Theevina. I've already read Gears, and I'm currently reading Graphite, but it turns out Graphite isn't finished. I can't wait for the end of Graphite and Generations! :D

Things that I have soloed before: A Field Office ( Daisy Gardens, ) A four story building, a factory ( short. )

Things I plan to solo: The VP, a factory ( long, ) a five story building.

I do also have a Toontown_TEST toon, his name is Ronny, he's a tall red mouse with 18 laff.

My horse toon named Glue Stick, inspired by The Legend of Toontown!
Me! :D

<--- Me! :D                                                                Glue Stick! --->

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View this template Hey! I'm Mackboy! But you can call me Rhino!
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My friends

  1. Princess Freckles
  2. Princess J.C.
  3. Purr
  4. Sparkle
  5. Pinky
  6. Pinky ( Yes I have 2 Pinky friends )
  7. Lady Willow
  8. Grandma Lou Super Sleuth
  9. Petunia Sparklespeed
  10. Ned Biggenboom
  11. Electra

I do have a lot more, but I don't think I can name them all.

My favorite cogs/gags/SOS/friends

First of all, Purr and Princess Freckles are my 2 best friends. My favorite SOS has to be Barnacle Bessie, my cog? Mover & Shaker ( because of the mustache xD ) Some of my favorite gags are the Hypno Goggles, Dynamite ( even though I don't have Trap, ) Safe, and Juggling Balls.

My pictures

I keep adding to these weekly, hope you enjoy. :D

Funniest Conversations I've ever had/seen


Black Cat: yeah I just gotta do some CJ and CFO runs when I get back on...

Green Dog: whats that?

Black Cat: the CJ  is the law boss, and the CFO is the cash boss

Green Dog: oh how do you do the bosses?

Me: ( Yes I bump into the conversation, ) LOOOL

Black Cat: to do the CFO, finish DDL, work for the cash suit... and then you'll move on to your law suit.

Green Dog: ddl? whats that?

Me: Donald's Dreamland..     

Black Cat: You sure know your areas September. ( That's me, ) I'm guessing this isn't your first toon?

Me: Nope.

Me: I'm nearing in on being close to maxing my first one..

Green Dog: i have  a maxed toon

Black Cat: You have a maxed toon, yet you don't know what the CJ and CFO are?

Green Dog: i forget sometimes


Favorite quotes from toons

i need sprite, i have a dentist appointment later today

– Silly Sourdoodle

My solo videos

Coming soon..