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Me bowing after a successful VP run the same month the game ended.

My whole Toontown Biography!

So it all started when i went on summer break to Texas of 2007.  I saw one of the old Toontown commercials as usual and decided to try it out and created a tall, red dog though I do not recall his actual name.  Then i remember after about 4 days of play time it told me that he was deleted due to going over his free trial or something like that.  Ever since I haven't played that toon.  I continued to make more toons (a whole bunch) around 2009 until i created Max MacDoodle on January 18th-ish, 2010.  From there i learned the ropes mostly on my own and also while watching online videos to further my Toontown knowledge.  I was also fortunate to witness some of the great updates of Toontown like the Bossbot HQ (barely).  I reached 58 laff in The Brrrgh when i was an inactive member for almost half a year.  Once i finally got a membership i went on to max Throw, Sound, and Squirt (in that order) all within the same week and then max Lure shortly after.  I maxxed Toon-up in DDL i believe and Drop in my Bossbot tasks or something...  I went on to dominate the CFO while going from a Short Change level 1 to a Loan Shark level 11 in only a 1 month membership during February of 2011!  I was also extremely close to the most CFO wins one of the days until I went on the website and noticed multiple toons did nearly 27 CFO runs that day O_o...  Sadly shortly after I got caught in wanting to try out hacking and got Max's account on hold for a few days.  Then this blue dog that i was talking to stole my toon later on (December) and that's all for the original Max.  Then i decided to recreate Max late 2012-early 2013. 

The toons on my new account until the game ended SSPT: 18-36 laff?, Miss Violet: 45 laff, Beary Cool: 18 laff, Little Biscuit MacDoodle: 20ish laff, Max MacDoodle: 92 (new) 109 (old Max), The Laffing Horse: 20 laff from Fishing, Gardening, (Up to Seltzer and Fruit Pie, had 2 VP wins I believe)

This was mostly a competition to recreate our banned toons from the old days with my close friend (Miss Violet) and see who could get the furthest until she decided the game was "not as fun as it used to be" and she quit, leaving me with her account that was at the beginning of Minnies Melodyland.  Her account was still on a membership from her mom's credit card so i recreated Max MacDoodle on there and noticed the game is alot quicker the second time through.  Within a month or two i was in Donalds Dreamland getting my Cashbot Suit again.  I completed it and sadly lost my first CFO ever as a Penny Pincher.  I decided to give the game a break and came back in late August 2013 to find out that i was a member again.  I was pretty happy until I figured out that Toontown was closing but I was gone for so long that it didn't really effect me emotionally (June 2013-August 2013).  So that's it i guess...


~Arthur Washington (Max MacDoodle)

My Toons (in order)

  • Red Dog (2007-2007) His account was lost after 4 days of play time without a membership.
  • A couple of misc. accounts that were written down and almost never used* (2009)
  • Max MacDoodle (The original) (Jan 2010-December 2011)
  • Silly Slippy PetalToon, Floppy, Beary Cool, Boingy (Featured on Max MacDoodle's account)
  • Oscar and Rocco MacDoodle (2009/2010-the end of Toontown) *Oscar was banned March 2013 i believe and the Toontown representatives refused to tell me why Oscar was banned*
  • Malicious (2013) banned for speaking of a Code Generator

Current ToonTasks

  1. Add a ToonTask
  2. ToonTask
  3. ToonTask
  4. ToonTask

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