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About me

Hi there! I'm known here as "QuickSand" (which is derived from the Quicksand Gag in Toontown Online) and I'm a Toontown player from The Netherlands who has been around several times playing on many different toons on the German version (before it closed) and the English version. (Currently on a break...) I'm here on the Wiki helping to improve the articles about Cogs and some other little things I come across (Anything I can do to help really).

I recently started playing again with a toon called "Super Sourmonkey" (a dark blue rabbit) on random districts. Feel free to add me when you happen to see me around!

I had plans to become a member but unfortunately for me membership seems impossible... (no credit card and no game-cards available in my area.) On a break until Toontown gets their PayPal business done...

My favorite pages