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Hello I am SillyMaX or you may call me Max for short. I have been playing ToonTown for the past 7 years but, Ive lost my best account soo... starting over on my newest account and am currently working on my toon Silly Max Fizzlepocket! He has the following laff, gags, and their levels

  • Toon-up-LVL-5
  • Trap-LVL-3
  • Lure-LVL-5
  • Sound-LVL-4
  • Throw-LVL-6
  • Squirt-LVL-6
  • Drop-NONE
  • Laff 72 and counting! lol

Well if you wanna meet me I am usually in Nutty Summit and RARELY Nutty River but, mainly Nutty Summit. I can be found in Sellbot HQ, or Donald's Dreamland.