User:Sweetiepie 611

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About me

OOH! I'm on featured users!! YEA!! *weird dance* ANYWAYS... I try to make plenty of changes (GOOD changes of course) to the pages you lovely people have created. I hope to make more! Soooo yeah. It's not much, but some day, I will be up there with the best... Maybe. RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT now something actually about me. I do love Toontown, but I'm just often too busy to touch the computer! RIGHT NOW I am actually taking a break from Toontown. I DO somewhat detest those people who make pages only about their toons, when I think this wikia should be about solely the game, especially those pages about "Anime Toontown" and "Toontown Series" And stuff. Isn't this wikia supposed to be about the GAME?

My contributions

Erm... I really can't remember them, but I really try to keep all that fake info and personal toon pages OFF the wikia! Hopefully mine and other people's hard work will soon pay off!

My favorite pages

I don't have any!

My Regular Friends

  • Dusty
  • Dusty (uber twin)
  • Maxie Rockenscreech
  • Rosie
  • Black Coffee
  • Little Lily Lemontwist
  • sarahbear
  • Faye
  • Lauren
  • Lemon
  • Anna Banana
  • Wacky Dog
  • Icey
  • Lady Maxie

ETC! I will add more as time passes!! (that and I'm too lazy to write them ALL...)

My toons

  • Roxy C. Mcwoof
  • Daffodil Twinkleface
  • Petunia
  • Peeves
  • Black Rose (future black cat)
  • Black Apple (future black cat)

My Main toon, The top banana, ROXY C. MCWOOF!!

Roxy C. Mcwoof, an aqua dog, made so far ago that her clothes were awesome from the start. She's a 55 laffer with the following stats: B-day cake Hose $5 bill Bugle Lipstick

Daffodil Twinkleface

(or just Daffy for short) A light purple rabbit, 21 laff, not my primary toon, but i do go on her.) Whole cream pie, Squirt gun,

I'm sure if we all work together, this will be a ROCKING WIKIA!