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About me

Hi! I'm a Toon who loves Toontown, obviously.

I started playing Toontown [the Portuguese version] somewhere in 2009 and i stopped playing when it ended somewhere in 2010.

I decided to play the english version in 2011, and the first toon i made was Master Lucky, a yellow duck.

I played for 2 years and it has helped me develop my english alot.

By the time it closed, i had maxed Throw, Squirt, Sound, Lure, and i had Level 5 Toon-up and Level 6 Trap, and i was a Level 9 Mr. Hollywood, Level 6 Money Bags, Level 2 Bloodsucker, and i didn't have a Bossbot suit.

I was very active and i had alot of friends, and i was really, really sad when it closed!

His name is Captain Superface, and he is dropless.

Pixie Dust.png
Hypno Goggles.png
Elephant Trunk.png
Wedding Cake.png
Wedding Cake.png

My Toons

  • Captain Superface
  • Master Lucky [TTO] [All of my TTO screenshots are gone, sorry.]

Current ToonTasks

  1. Add a ToonTask
  2. ToonTask
  3. ToonTask
  4. ToonTask

My favorite pages

  • Add links to your favorite pages on the wiki here!
  • Favorite page #2
  • Favorite page #3