User talk:Keldeo246

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Welcome to Toontown Wiki, Keldeo246!
Toony Toons.png
Thank you for your contributions to the Toontown Wiki! We are excited to have you here editing with us!
Your administration:
Flower1470 (talk)
Loving77 (talk)

Have fun editing!


Hello there! Welcome to the wiki!

I deleted your blog comments and most of your images. Those comments were on really old blog posts, and the pictures were of low quality or violated our Wiki rules. None of this is allowed here. Please review the rules linked beforehand, our private server policy, and our Manual of Style.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

~Flower1470 18:39, May 20, 2015 (UTC)

Block 1

You have been banned for one week for commenting on old blog posts, insubordination, adding low quality images to pages, badge cheating, and mentioning a private server. We have linked you the wiki rules before but in case you didn't read them here they are again: Toontown Wiki:Wiki Rules.

We do not tolerate this kind of behavior.

Loving77 18:21, May 21, 2015 (UTC)