User talk:MonEspritLibre

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Welcome to Toontown Wiki, MonEspritLibre!
Toony Toons.png
Thank you for your contributions to the Toontown Wiki! We are excited to have you here editing with us!
Your administration:
Flower1470 (talk)
Loving77 (talk)

Have fun editing!

Re:Thank You


Thank you for the complement! :D But you should also thank Lily she trained me and did a big part for keeping this wiki together.

Also the "minimum carry capacity" thing means that when you first get a gag, let's say you just got your first trap gag, the banana peel, you can carry up to five banana peels. Then as you get new trap gags you can carry more and by the time you get your TNT you can carry up to twenty banana peels. If that makes any sense. lol

But thanks again, it's nice to know someone is recognizing our work.

Loving77 13:56, December 8, 2014 (UTC)

RE: Top Navigation redirect

Sorry about that. It's fixed now. Thanks for letting me know! :)

~Flower1470 00:42, June 24, 2016 (UTC)