Gag Barrel

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A Whole Cream Pie barrel in the Sellbot Factory

Gag Barrels are interactable items located in cog facilities, placed there by the Toon Resistance.[Citation Needed »] These items restock the gags of the same type that is shown on the barrel itself. They turn dark when they are used by a toon. They can usually be obtained after fighting cogs or maneuvering obstacles.


  • The gag barrel does not make an appearance in Cog golf courses.
  • In the Sellbot Factory, the gag barrels' logos are levels 1, 3, 5, and 6, whereas in the Cashbot Mint and the District Attorney's office, they are only level 6.
  • Gag barrels appeared in the Vice President battle for Operation: Storm Sellbot.
  • If the toon gets a gag barrel but does not have the selected gag, then it will fill up the next highest gag (or the next lowest gag if the barrel shows a gag that the toon does not have enough experience for).
