Hysterical Harry

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Hysterical Harry
Hysterical Harry.png
Physical description
Gender: Male
Species: Rabbit
Color: Sea Green
Building: Snow Big Deal! Crisis Management
Street: Walrus Way
Area: The Brrrgh
v • d • e

Hysterical Harry is an NPC Toon in Snow Big Deal! Crisis Management on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.


On the test server, Toons needed to visit Hysterical Harry for a Toontask in The Brrrgh. The reward was to Carry 4 Toontasks. First, he will ask for you to destroy ten Minglers or Corporate Raiders, then ten Loan Sharks. After that, you must fish for two sardine whiskers and deliver them to Fanny Freezes so she can make a calm potion. Finally, you must beat five Legal Eagles. This Toontask is no longer available, but Harry does play a small role in the revised "Carry 4 Toontasks" quest.