Legal Eagle

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There is no limit to my talons.

–Legal Eagle

A Legal Eagle is the seventh Cog on the corporate ladder of Lawbots. Their levels range from seven to eleven. They are a building-only Cog, unless there is an invasion.


On June 28, 2013, Toons have discovered that Legal Eagles have made a deal with Glad Handers to perform mega Cog invasions.[1] Their plot was to create a truce between the Toons, only to be a trick to catch the Toons off guard.[2]


Starting battle phrases

  • "I am going to give you legal nightmares."
  • "I call this a citizen's arrest."
  • "I'm bringing down the law on you!"
  • "Careful, my legal isn't very tender."
  • "You won't win this battle."
  • "Legally, you're too small to fight me."
  • "This is so much fun it should be illegal."
  • "I soar, then I score."
  • "You should know, I have some killer instincts."
  • "There is no limit to my talons."

Cog moves

Jargon lgeaglelawbldg.jpg
Click to enlarge
Target: One Toon
Signature: No
Level: 7 8 9 10 11
Damage: 7 9 11 13 15
Accuracy: ?% ?% ?% ?% ?%
Frequency: ?% ?% ?% ?% ?%
Evil Eye
Legal eagleeyvileye.jpg
Click to enlarge
Target: One Toon
Signature: No
Level: 7 8 9 10 11
Damage: 10 11 13 15 16
Accuracy: ?% ?% ?% ?% ?%
Frequency: ?% ?% ?% ?% ?%
Click to enlarge
Target: One Toon
Signature: Yes
Level: 7 8 9 10 11
Damage: 11 13 16 19 21
Accuracy: ?% ?% ?% ?% ?%
Frequency: ?% ?% ?% ?% ?%
Pecking Order
Pecking order.jpg
Click to enlarge
Target: One Toon
Signature: Yes
Level: 7 8 9 10 11
Damage: 12 15 17 19 22
Accuracy: ?% ?% ?% ?% ?%
Frequency: ?% ?% ?% ?% ?%

Cog suit promotion

Jury Notices
Levels: 7 8 9 10 11
Jury Notices required: 1,100 1,440 1,780 2,120 8,900

Trading card

Series 1

Legal Eagle Series 1 Front (High Quality).pngLegal Eagle Series 1 Back (High Quality).png
Obey the Pecking Order

Dislikes: Toons, Bald Jokes

Likes: Crooked Judges, Fresh Fish

Series 3

Legal Eagle Series 3 Front (High Quality).pngLegal Eagle Series 3 Back (High Quality).png
Obey the Pecking Order

Dislikes: Toons, Bald Jokes

Likes: Crooked Judges, Fresh Fish


  • The Legal Eagle's weakness is the Storm Cloud because they detest being wet in the sky or getting hit by lightning.[3]
  • Unlike most Cogs, they are animal-based, along with the Loan Shark.
    • Coincidentally, they are both building-only Cogs and are both seventh on their respective corporate ladders.
  • Legal Eagles are one of the few Cogs with different colored hands. The others are Spin Doctors, Bloodsuckers, The Big Cheeses, Cold Callers, Corporate Raiders, Short Changes, and Penny Pinchers.
  • The Legal Eagle's signature move, Pecking Order, has four birds in it. The formation the birds are in is completely random.
  • One of their attacks, Evil Eye, is not noted on their trading card.
  • One of their phrases when performing Legalese refers to Disney's Toontown Online, which is "breaking the fourth wall."
  • On their trading card, the Legal Eagle's hands are white instead of blue as so is its head, and his beak is yellow instead of brown.
  • Their phrase "A bird in my hand is worth ten on your head!" is a spoof of the phrase "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
  • A Legal Eagle appears on the Hypno Goggles trading card along with a Cold Caller.
  • Their phrase "Birds of a feather strike together." is a spoof of the phrase "Birds of a feather flock together."
  • On the trading card, it shows the Legal Eagle banging his gavel loudly and violently as a cat Toon covers his ears.
  • The Legal Eagle is the weakest Level 7 Cog in terms of maximum damage as other level 7 Cogs (The Mingler, Loan Shark and Corporate Raider) can all do a maximum of 24 damage. Legal Eagles can only deal out 22 damage.
  • Legal Eagles had their own nearly complete field office in the game files, but was cut for unknown reasons.
  • In the 2003 Toontown Online trailer, a Legal Eagle with a thin body can be seen flying over Toontown Central.
  • The caption on the Trading Cards Series 1 & Series 3 says "Obey the Pecking Order". A pecking order is a hierarchy of status seen among members of a group of people or animals, originally as observed among hens.

Name of origin

A "Legal Eagle" is a slang term for lawyers in general, especially skilled ones.

In other languages

Language Name English Translation
FR.png French Avocageot ???
ES.png Spanish El picapleitos[4] ???
D.png German Prozessgeier[5] ???
BRZ.png Brazilian Portuguese Macaco velho [6] ???
Japan.png Japanese ホウノトリ [7] [8] ???


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