Level 10 Cogs

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Level 10 Cogs are powerful Cogs in Toontown. They have 132 health points (22 more than the previous level) or 264 as a V2.0 Cog. They can sometimes be found in Donald's Dreamland and Polar Place (from Field Offices) and are extremely common in most of Cog Headquarters and Cog boss battles. This is the strongest type of Cog that can be found outside of a powerful Cog building or dangerous places in Cog Headquarters.


Bossbots Lawbots Cashbots Sellbots
HeadHunterTC.jpg SpinDoctorTC.jpg MoneyBagsTC.png Two-FaceTC.jpg
Head Hunter Spin Doctor Money Bags Two-Face
CorporateRaiderTC.jpg LegalEagleTC.jpg LoanSharkTC.jpg TheMinglerTC.jpg
Corporate Raider Legal Eagle Loan Shark The Mingler
TheBigCheeseTC.jpg BigWigTC.jpg RobberBaronTC.jpg Mr.HollywoodTC.jpg
The Big Cheese Big Wig Robber Baron Mr. Hollywood


A Group of level 10 Cogs in the CJ battle.